Unleash the Power of Performance: The E 845 Microphone
The E 845 is more than just a microphone; it's a high-output performance tool that stands out with its power, clarity, and projection. Crafted to cut through even the highest on-stage sound levels, this microphone promises a smooth, warm tonal response and a full dynamic range. If you're looking for vocal clarity, presence lift, and projection that sets you apart, the E 845 is the microphone for you.

Supercardioid Pick-Up Pattern: Get Noticed on Stage
With its extended high-frequency response and supercardioid pick-up pattern, the E 845 ensures a higher signal output, allowing your voice to dominate the stage. Whether you're part of a loud rock band or performing in a busy event space, this microphone's design will make sure your voice isn't lost in the mix.

Freedom and Flexibility: Move with Confidence
The E 845 doesn't just sound good; it moves with you. Its consistent on/off-axis and proximity response maintain sound quality, providing you the freedom to move on stage without losing audio integrity. Embrace your performance, knowing that your sound will follow you every step of the way.

Robust and Reliable: Built for the Road
Constructed with full metal and extensive suspension and shock-mounting, the E 845 minimizes handling noise and signal interference. This microphone is built to last, ensuring that it will stand up to the rigors of touring and frequent use. With the E 845, you invest in rugged reliability.

Perfect for Various Applications
Whether you're a lead singer in a band, a public speaker, or hosting live events, the E 845 is designed to suit various applications. Its features are tailored to offer clear, powerful sound, making it an excellent choice for those who need to be heard in crowded or noisy environments.