About Ceylon Soybean powder, Natural Soy beans Powder, Natural Premium Quality Organic, Quality Foods oil powder milk Product From Sri Lanka:

Soybeans or Soya Beans Powder are members of the pea (legume) family of vegetables and have been a staple of Asian cuisines for thousands of years.

Soy and soy foods are popular especially for people following vegetarian and vegan diets. This is due to their high-quality ('complete') protein content, and their ability to be processed into milk and meat substitutes.

The powder is intended for culinary purposes, and its mildly sweet flavour means it is the ideal addition to all kinds of recipes. For instance, you can mix this tasty powder with milk or water to make a delicious drink, use it as a flavour booster by sprinkling a hearty amount into your otherwise bland yoghurts and porridge, or add some to your soups and sauces to thicken them until they are smooth and silky.

Our soya bean powder is also great for making desserts, especially ice creams and mousses, and is excellent as a gluten-free flour alternative and a raising agent for your bread dough and cake mix. Once you've started using our soya bean powder you'll never want to go without it again!

Soybeans powder can be consumed in many ways.

Foods made from soybeans can be divided into unfermented and fermented foods. Unfermented foods include – tofu, soymilk, edamame, soy nuts and sprouts, while fermented soy products include – miso, tempeh, natto and soy sauce.

Nutrition profile of soybeans

Soy is a high-quality Nutritional Facts. It is one of the few known plant foods (the other is amaranth seed and to a lesser degree, quinoa) to contain all the essential amino acids, like those found in meat.

Botanical Name : Glycine max

Appearance : Fine Powder

Color : brown

Taste : grassy or beany flavor.

Ingredients : 100% Natural Dried soybean seeds (made in Sri Lanka)

Non GMO Status : The source of raw material is Non-GMO & free Radioactivity

Storage : store commercial soybeans at 13% moisture or less.

Soybeans Dried Soya Seeds Organic Pure Homemade

Pack Size : 25g - 900g PER PACK


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