About Ceylon Dried White Lotus Flowers, Nymphaea Ampla Hand Picked, Premium Quality Organic, White water Lily Great Fegrance Herb Sleep aid Product From Sri Lanka:

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About Ceylon Dried White Lotus Flowers  :

White Lotus Flowers  or Nymphaea alba ( White water Lily ) is a day-blooming aquatic plant common in quiet waters of marshes, ponds, and slow-moving streams in the Adirondacks. Its circular floating leaves are green on top and purple on the underside

Although the young leaves of white Water-lily reportedly can be boiled and served as a vegetable, the main human use of this plant appears to have been medicinal. Native Americans used it as a herbal remedy for a variety of ailments.

Health Benefits

White Water flower is also known to offer a variety of health benefits. It is important to mention that many users of white lotus flowers report these benefits to be true.

How to Make

Tea: 3 - 5 g dried White lotus flowers in 1 – 2 cups of boiling water (250-500 ml). Allow 5-10 minutes to steep and have fun.


100% Organic Natural Ceylon Product

We always provide good quality, well clean products for our valuable customers.

We pick fresh Flowers to make your product.

We use only sunlight for the dried process and we made the product well clean and in good conditions

No chemical & unfavorable things added

Use seal bags for packing

You can order Bulk Orders

Botanical Name : Nymphaea Ampla or White water lily

Appearance : Whole Dry Flower

Color : white in color sometimes, with a pink tinge

Taste : subtle and pretty good without being overpoweringly sweet.

Odor: Floral aroma characteristic to White lotus.

Ingredients : 100% Natural Dried White Lotus (made in Sri Lanka)

Non GMO Status : The source of raw material is Non-GMO & free Radioactivity

Shelf life: 1 year

Storage : Should be kept in a clean, dry place at room temperature.

100% dried white lotus Organic Nymphaea Ampla Pure Homemade

Pack Size : 25g – 5kg PER PACK



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