Vtg. lot Barbie Ken boots gun holster hats masks vinyl dress vest bag hat scarf football helmet

The record sticking of bag says Ken

Rubber or plastic varied sizes

We sell vintage, pre-owned, used items. They may not be perfect and may have a little wear from use.   We will disclose any flaws we see to the best of our ability. We provide photos, Please review photos carefully, as they represent an accurate description.  Ask for more if you need them.  We are not knowledgeable about all items we sell so be sure to ask any questions.

We never knowingly misrepresent anything. If an error has occurred please contact us directly within 3 days of receiving your item so we can correct the issue professionally prior to opening a return item request.

Items are sold as found. All sales are final.

We try to ship next business day but settings show 4 in case life happens.