How To Escape From ANY Submission Hold  Even If You Are Pinned Down By A Skilled Attacker Twice Your Size!

Most fighters know how to put you down with nasty and painful submission holds. What almost NO ONE in the world has figured out is how to quickly ESCAPE from these "impossible" submission holds.

Its a secret skill the professional groundfighters want to KEEP HIDDEN, but Mark Hatmaker will reveal these skills to you in this exceptional instructional video.

Sounds almost too amazing to be true, doesn't’ it? (It’s true, though.) I mean, the Brazilians, the Ju Jitsu experts, the Judo and the Russian Sambo artists have been absolutely DOMINATING the fighting world for almost ten years now by using complex submission holds to choke opponents out. Once they get you into one of their holds, you’re completely helpless… and… if you don’t "tap out" immediately, you’re toast. (In the street, you’ll be unconscious or dead.)

That’s the way it is. When a decent grappler meets ANY other kind of fighter, you better bet on the grappler, if he’s able to get a hold of his opponent.

Unless… unless you learn the secrets of escaping from those holds. And, until the release of this video…

NO ONE outside the "Inner Circle" of world-famous ground fighters had a clue what these secrets of escaping were!