Chrysler 6 cyl Late Slant 6, Contains 6 Welch Welsh Freeze Core Plug Set Kit

You are buying a complete Welch Plug Set or Freeze Plug Set to suit a Chrysler 6 cylinder slant engine. Note that that this kit suits the later engine and contains 6 welch plugs. 5 water gallery plugs and 1 Cam Plug.

This genuine Premier machinery set is made in Australia and is used by leading engine builders around Australia.

This kit for a Chrysler 6 cylinder slant engine and contains:

Note that not all plugs supplied will be brass. Plugs facing or sealing oil galleries cannot corrode and are normally supplied as steel plugs.

These sets are also known as:

This kit may be supplied unpackaged to keep costs down. However, the kit supplied will be a genuine Autofix kit.

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