Brand New Ewarts petrol Fuel Tap Filter British Seagull Outboards & Classic Motorcycle

Brand New, ultra fine filters for Ewarts petrol taps

price is for two filters

size 6mm

these are fitted by soldering using a blowtorch. At no point should the filter be heated directly with the flame !!

instructions as follows

-clean tap filter recess and remove plunger

-apply flux to filter recess and the bottom of the filter mesh, do not put the filter in the recess yet!

-heat the tap until the tap it hot enough to melt the solder

-apply adequate amount of solder, not so much so that it blocks hole in the tap

-whilst still molten quickly place the filter in the filter recess with the molten solder in it and gently wiggle the filter so a tidy seal of solder seals the filter in place

- hold filter there for a few moments until it sets hard

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