Customize Your Console with Vibrant LED Lights:
Transform your gaming setup with our Nintendo GameCube LED Controller Port Mod Kit. Perfect for gamers and modding enthusiasts, this kit is designed to give your console a unique and personalized glow. Offering a selection of vibrant colors, you can customize your GameCube to match your style or gaming environment.

Available LED Colors:
Kit Contents:
Ease of Installation:
Required Tools:
Optional but Recommended:
While some of these tools, like the soldering iron and screwdrivers, are common in many DIYers' toolkits, others, such as the hot air station, might be more specialized. Having the right tools at your disposal will make the installation process more manageable and increase the chances of a successful mod.

Start with a Thorough Overview:
  • Before diving into the mod, we highly recommend watching this detailed installation video:
Key Steps for a Successful Installation:

1. Initial Preparation: 
2. Soldering: 
3. Fitting the Units: 
4. Testing: 
5. Final Checks:
Patience and attention to detail are key 

Important Notes:
Transform your GameCube with this LED Mod Kit, combining functionality and style for an unparalleled gaming experience. Ready to customize your console? Order now and light up your gaming world!