
5 - QP250/80 Replacement blades

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The Philips Norelco OneBlade replacement blade trims, edges, and shaves any length of hair. Plus, it's gentle on skin and tough on hair.

Philips Norelco is the most trusted electric male grooming brand and the Philips Norelco OneBlade replacement blade trims, edges, and shaves any length of hair. Replacement is easy and hassle free. The unique OneBlade shaving technology integrates a fast moving cutter (200x per second) with a dual protection system to give you an efficient comfortabe shave on longer hairs.

Glide coating and rounded tips protect your skin; not too close for a comfortable shave. 5 replacement blades last up to 20 months, 4 months for each blade.* (*For best shaving experience. Based on 2 full shaves per week. Actual results may vary.) Fits all OneBlade products except QP15XX.

Philips OneBlade Face and Body Item #980145917 is available online and in certain clubs. OneBlade does it all, trims, edges and shaves the face and body. For the Face, OneBlade trims fast and even for the right length in all the right places, edges to line up your style easier than ever before, and can shave not too close so your skin will stay comfy. For the Body, easy trimming in any direction, delivers a comfortable shave on larger areas, and has a guard for extra protection on sensitive areas.