Will Be Resurfaced


Cast:Louis Koo / Sean Lau / Gigi Leung /
   Rosamund Kwan / Cecilia Cheung
Director:Leung Pak Kin / Chan Hing Ka

  Lena(梁詠琪飾)、Johnny(劉青雲飾)和Wayne(古天樂飾)受命開發以「絕世好B」為宣傳重點的嬰兒產品系列。Johnny初做主管,聘請了神經質的Sabrina(關之琳飾)為秘書。Lena得知男友Wayne對嬰兒有恐懼症,於是特別從日本請來兒童行為專家Boey (張柏芝飾)協助他完成作。Lena 發現Wayne 在研究BB產品時,與Beoy 的關係越來越密切,妒火中燒。Boey 為免成為第三者,悄然離開。Johnny 與Wayne 幾經辛苦終於完成「絕世好B」系列……
  Lena (Gigi Leung), Johnny (Lau Ching-wan) and Wayne (Louis Koo) are commissioned to expand a new line of business specializing in merchandise for infants named 'Mighty Baby'. Johnny, enjoying his new perks as a supervising xecutive, hires a neurotic secretary Sabrina (Rosamund Kwan). Knowing that her boyfriend Wayne is a 'baby-phobic', Lena seeks help from Boey (Cecillia Cheung), an expert in child behavioral patterns. Finally, Jonny and Wayne overcome a lot of obstacles to bring their 'What Babies Want' product line to fruition...

* Digital Dolby Surround 5.1
* 16:9 Anamorphic Widescreen 

Suitable for all DVD Codes