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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Catherine Mangan
The Title is One Italian Summer : an irresistible, escapist love story set in Italy - the perfect summer read

Condition New

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Product Description -
Escape to Italy this summer and fall in love with the perfect holiday romance! 'A gorgeous escapist holiday read' - MY WEEKLY 'A heart-warming and uplifting romance' - WOMAN'S OWN When Lily's long-term relationship ends, she flees her life in New York to travel to her best friend's wedding on the sun-drenched Italian island of Ischia - but could there be more to the secluded island than she ever imaginedTen days with nothing but sparkling seas, breath-taking beaches and delicious food sounds like the perfect cure for a broken heart. And Lily can hardly believe she'd never heard of Ischia before now. But Lily's blissful break is short-lived as she discovers not only has she lost her boyfriend, she's also lost her job. As Lily searches for inspiration, she connects with local Matt, who shows her the magic the beautiful Italian island has to offer, and quickly inspiration strikes: Ischia needs more tourists and Lily knows just how to help. As Ischia slowly heals Lily's heart, will she in turn inject new life into the island And will local Matt offer the possibility of a future she'd never dreamed ofA glorious and uplifting escapist novel set against the stunning backdrop of the Italian coast. The perfect holiday read for fans of Rosanna Ley, Jo Thomas and Karen SwanReaders LOVE One Italian Summer:'Gorgeous Italian summer beach romance 5/5''This phenomenal story will touch your heart in so many ways... an amazing escape that you are sure to cherish long after you finish reading... I absolutely loved this!''A beautifully written book . . . If you're going on holiday and like to read I think this would be the perfect book to take'

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153732865

Unique Reference Number 2254662480