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The item is a book Hardback
The Author Name is Emrys Kirby
The Title is Land Rover Series II,IIA and III Restoration Manual

Condition New

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New Store Stock

Product Description -
A Series Land Rover has to be the ultimate life-sized automotive jigsaw puzzle. Simple to repair, with a good supply of new and used parts, a restoration is well within the capabilities of an amateur mechanic. While the official Parts and Workshop Manuals can be considered essential reading they were written for professional mechanics working on reasonably new, unmodified vehicles - not a 60 year old model assembled with parts from different eras. They will tell you very little about parts compatibility over the generations, how to repair a bulkhead or front panel or the best techniques to assemble your vehicle onto a new chassis. This manual seeks to answer many of the commonly asked questions and offers practical solutions, tips and techniques for the common problems encountered when restoring and maintaining a Series Land Rover. It covers:* history, vehicle development and compatibility of parts* the overhaul of the major mechanical components including engine, gearbox and axles* practical techniques for body repairs, fitment and alignment* in-depth chassis and bulkhead repairs* how to decide between saving or replacing a major component* the current availability of components* major current restoration trends: functional rebuild, resto-mod build, patina recommission or concours restoration

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153835814

Unique Reference Number 2257151975