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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Mark Lambertz
The Title is Leading by Weak Signals : Using Small Data to Master Complexity

Condition New

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Product Description -
Master complex problems and face radical uncertainty by unleashing the power of small data Is your business using data to its optimum potential In complicated well-structured problem situations, executives rely on Big Data. However, when faced with complexity and uncertainty they are challenged to skillfully handle Small Data. Leading by Weak Signals argues that impending dangers, new business opportunities or innovative ideas may be missed when data are classified as simply not "big enough." This insightful book with its new approach initiates a radical shift in perspective from running the business to changing the business. While Big Data are very well suited to run a business efficiently, Small Data lay open phenomena which are connected to transforming a company, like inflection points, scale changes, or critical transitions. The authors present practical business examples and an 8-step framework to implement their ideas in teams and on the individual level. This offers reflective practitioners a guideline for leveraging the enormous potential of weak signals for effective strategy development and operational execution in times of uncertainty - and gives them the competitive edge they need to succeed.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153869127

Unique Reference Number 2325312370