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The item is a book Hardback
The Author Name is Kerry Lord
The Title is Alexandra's Garden Vegetables : 30 Crochet Vegetable Patterns

Condition New

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Product Description -
Follow-up to the eagerly awaited Alexandra's Garden Flowers. Here are 30 friendly vegetables waiting to be brought to life by hook and yarn. The array includes orange Pumpkin, yellow Corn on the Cob and red Cherry Tomatoes. In this new book, Kerry Lord heads for the allotment or veg patch to produce delightfully colourful crocheted produce. No digging needed and the slugs will never eat all your seedlings! The 30 patterns include Curly Kale, Radish, Cabbage, Avocado, Artichoke, Peas in a Pod, Bell Pepper, Okra and Garlic. These charming amigurumi-like figures are sometimes crocheted whole, and sometimes seen in 'sliced' view so, for example, you get the avocado with a 3D central stone and the lovely veining within a red cabbage. As with Kerry's flowers, alternative colours give you many variations, too. Kerry's TOFT brand has produced three new yarn colours especially for this book - Beetroot, Aubergine and Kale - to enable you to crochet a rainbow of roots and shoots.You have the option of adding legs to personalise your veg, if you like, and Kerry shows you how to add personality by embroidering eyes too. Kerry includes step-by-step instructions and charts for each vegetable, including how to assemble and finish, plus a guide to all the basic crochet and sewing techniques needed, so this book is perfect for all skill levels. There's even a Practice Potato so you can hone your skills before going on to bigger projects. Also in this series, Alexandra's Garden Flowers 9780008553999.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 154260367

Unique Reference Number 2257152701