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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Louisa Ghevaert
The Title is The Gene Editors : The Race for Biotechnology Supremacy

Condition New

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Product Description -
Susie Miller, a 40-something Life Sciences lawyer unwittingly stumbles into the murky and dangerous global biotechnology arms-race and the struggle to control its power and wealth. She takes readers through an eye-opening journey of discovery and intrigue through the complex and secretive world of gene-editing. Her fascination with the creation of the worlds first gene-edited babies in 2018 triggers alarm bells. Her research quickly sparks interest from the military, governments, private entities and various intelligence services which intensifies as the global Covid-19 pandemic unfolds. Susies specific paradigm in understanding the bigger picture begins to unlock the secrecy and obfuscation surrounding catastrophic world events. Her unique ability to bring new understanding to the confusion and global devastation results in a frightening journey that sucks her into a shadowy covert world. The stakes for all involved could not have been higher. Inspired by real life events, Susies investigation marks 4-years independent research into biotechnology, genomics, creation of the worlds first gene-edited babies, world affairs, infectious diseases and origins, impact and legacy of Covid-19.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 156560380

Unique Reference Number 2257211756