Imagine for a moment that you are the modern-day "Houdini" of submission fighting. Only now, instead of escaping from straight jackets and handcuffs, you're slipping out of every submission hold known to man - even after it has been put on. 

Have you ever found yourself caught in a submission that you believed had no escape? If you're like most people, the answer is yes. When it happens, the fear of getting injured, crippled or having something torn is so great that most people tap right away. 

But more often than not, the person could have escaped from the hold if he learned and practiced various escapes and wasn't afraid. If he had a ready arsenal of submission counters at his ever-ready beck and call, he'd be a lot better off. Now, this is not to say that if you just hang in there that no danger exists.

 I'm not saying that. There is always an element of danger any time you wrestle around with someone. But there is also danger when a weapons specialist is called in to deactivate a bomb. There is danger when a pilot flies a plane in stormy turbulent weather. 

There is danger when you pass a car on a two-lane highway. There is danger when a woman delivers her baby. Each day, many of us are engaged in what other people would consider dangerous acts. But do you know what? We don't think of these things as quite so dangerous. 

And in spite of the fact that we know there is an element of danger and risk, we keep on going. And so, when I say that most people tap out on a submission hold because of fear, what I'm really doing is letting you know that you need to be a bit more like the weapons specialist or the pilot flying in stormy weather. I'm telling you that you will improve a great deal in your skills if you explore the danger and truly find out WHEN and WHERE the danger lies. Your body is pliable and flexible. Even when someone has you in a straight arm bar, you still have one free arm, two free legs and the rest of your body free. 

With over 90% of your body free .... YOU NEED TO FREE YOUR MIND ENOUGH TO WORK ON YOUR ESCAPE ROUTE. Here's a little ditty that you should carve into your mind: The wise man sees an opportunity when others see a crisis. He sees freedom when others see locks and chains. He sees heaven when he's stuck in hell. And if he has no map for where he's going, he'll crawl around and feel his way there. I know, I know. This one ain't much of a poem, or even a ditty, but the message is true. If no one has ever showed you how to escape from various submission holds and locks, or if the escapes you know don't work to well, then you've got to crawl around on the mat and feel your way to freedom. This is exactly what I have done. 

And in my video, "How To Escape Any Submission Hold - Volume One" - I promise to get your mind churning with new escapes like never before. Here's why: The escapes I teach are so damn simple and easy, you'll conk yourself on the head and say to, "Now why didn't I think of that?" Even better than that, though, you'll be able to actually use these escapes the next time you wrestle with someone. If he's going for a straight arm bar, you'll know how to stop him cold, even if he has you face down on your belly. If someone throws the hooks in and is going for the rear naked choke, you'll get out lickety split. If someone is going for a short-arm scissors - you will be able to thwart his entire movement and make him fall off you .... and you'll do it with ONLY ONE FINGER. And I'm not lying. ONE FINGER. What's more, you'll also learn how to counter guillotine chokes in such a way that you immediately free your head. You'll learn to stymie various leg locks before they even get on ... and if they do, you'll stop them as well. I'll even show you one method that will get you out of the triangle choke with ease. One more thing: In this tape I'm going to show you a counter that will make your opponent go flying

About 60 Minutes