After Brad and Meg move to a detached house in need of major repairs after a fire and decades of neglect, they're happy that cheerful teenage son Tyler behaves normally, for puberty. Young daughter Gina's stories about sometimes evil 'fairies' are equally dismissed, but get worse. Self-appointed handyman warns Iver Hagen them for 'things worse than ghosts' and ever scarier things happen. Ma irrationally believes the house bad yet refuses long to have Gina examined by Dr. Werner, who has a patient Olive obsessed by similar trolls. By the time the pieces are fitted, it may be too late.





Tempo, I Spy.

Fantasy Island

Meg Russell and her family have finally moved into their dream home, complete with a tiny playhouse in the backyard - perfect for her imaginative young daughter Gina. When unexplainable events begin happening around the house. Gina blames the fairies, little creatures that spend time with her in the playhouse.

A mysterious handyman Iver Hagen hired to fix up the house seems to know something about these 'fairies" which are known as the Huldre, ancient trolls who live underground. Iver warns Meg that the Huldre are real and may be after her daughter, Gina.

The Russell's are sceptical of the Huldre and worry Gina may be responsible for the strange occurrences around the house. They seek the help of child psychiatrist Dr. Clive Werner to help Gina separate fantasy from reality. Dr. Werner makes a connection between Gina's fairytales and the story of another patient, Olivia Hagen. Olivia, sister of handyman Iver, lived in the Russell house in the Fitties and like Gina, befriended the Huidre before the vicious trolls killed her parents and attempted to burn the house down.

When Iver turns up dead in their yard. Meg can no longer ignore the threat of the evil Huldre.