About this Item

The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Karl Shaw
The Title is The Mammoth Book of Losers

Condition New

Other Comments
Pages Count - 512. Binding type - Perfect.
Content Language - English
Category - HUMOR / General

Product Description -
This compendious celebration of ineptitude includes some of history's most spectacularly ill-conceived expeditions and entirely useless pursuits, and features tales of black comedy, insane foolhardiness, breathtaking stupidity and relentless perseverance in the face of inevitable defeat. It rejoices in men and women made of the Wrong Stuff: writers who believed in the power of words, but could never quite find the rights ones artists and performers who indulged their creative impulse with a passion, if not a sense of the ridiculous, an eye for perspective or the ability to hold down a tune scientists and businessmen who never quite managed to quit while they were ahead and sportsmen who seemed to manage always to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Like Walter Oudney, one of three men chosen to find the source of the River Niger in Africa, who could not ride a horse, nor speak any foreign languages and who had never travelled more than 30 miles beyond his native Edinburgh or the explorer-priest Michel Alexandre de Baize, who set off to explore the African continent from east to west equipped with 24 umbrellas, some fireworks, two suits of armor, and a portable organ or the Scottish army which decided to invade England in 1349 - during the Black Death. Entries include: briefest career in dentistry least successful bonding exercise most futile attempt to find a lost tribe most pointless lines of research by someone who should have known better least successful celebrity endorsement least convincing excuse for a war worst poetic tribute to a root vegetable least successful display of impartiality by a juror Devon Loch - sporting metaphor for blowing un unblowable lead least dignified exit from office by a French president and least successful expedition by camel.

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