SOUND STAGE Magazine-February 1965-Jean Harlow/Carrol Baker/Cary Grant/Leslie Caron/Elke Sommer/Shirley MacLaine/Peter Ustinov/Max Von Sidow/Yvette Mimieux/George Peppard/Marilyn Monroe/Grace Kelly/Carole Lombard/Betty Grable/Marlene Dietrich/Mae West/Kim Novak/Carole Landis/Veronica Lake/Brigitte Bardot/Bette Davis/Agnes Moorehead/Frank Sinatra/Trevor Howard/Sal Mineo/Delores Del Rio/Manuel Rodriguez/Elizabeth Taylor/Rex Harrison/Richard Chamberlain, etc.- Neat Taped Front and Back Cover-80 Pages-Middle 2 page poster of Jean Harlow

Experience the glamour of Hollywood’s golden age with this vintage SOUND STAGE magazine from February 1965. Filled with fascinating articles, captivating images, and insider information about the industry’s biggest names, this issue is a must-have for any serious collector of Hollywood memorabilia. Featuring exclusive interviews with legendary stars such as Harlow, Baker, Carron, and Sommer, this magazine provides a rare glimpse into the lives and careers of some of the most iconic figures in movie history. Whether you’re a fan of classic cinema or just looking for a unique piece of vintage ephemera, this SOUND STAGE magazine is sure to impress.