NEW Flickback 1949 Trivia Challenge Playing Card Deck w/ Hard Case 52 card deck

Regulation 52 card playing deck with trivia questions from the year 1949.

1949 History Snapshot
Politics: On April 4, 1949 The North Atlantic Treaty was signed, committing the United States to be closer with our European allies.
Sports: Frank J. Zamboni invented the Zamboni Ice Resurfacing Machine.
Popular Songs include: A Little Bird Told Me by Evelyn Night, That Lucky Old Sun by Frankie Laine and Riders in the Sky by Vaughn Monroe
The Big Movies included Samson and Delilah, On The Town and Battleground
Price of a gallon of gas in 1949: 22 cents
Live-in 'mother's helper': $120.00/month
The World Population was ~ 2,562,000,000
Candyland (board game) was introduced in 1949.
And... Tennessee Williams's A Streetcar Named Desire won the Pulitzer Prize.

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