Mobility Walker/Rollator - Aspire Brand.

Only just over 12 months old, paid just on $200

Robust aluminium frame and easy wipe-clean surfaces. Hardly a scratch to be seen!

Ultra-soft hand brakes with palm ball - lock effortlessly and offer increased comfort for users with arthritis or wrist/hand joint pain

Anatomically designed, latex-free handles - allow for comfortable grip

Adjustable handle height – for customised comfort and posture.

Easy folding mechanism - to facilitate storage and transportation which easily fits into the boot of a small car.

Padded seat that flips up with a zip pocket for smaller items under the seat and a larger storage bag underneath
Solid, puncture-proof 6” wheels – for increased manoeuvrability, particularly indoors.

Weighs only 6kg

Seat Depth-305 mm; Seat Width-355 mm; Seat Height-525 mm; Folded Width-200 mm