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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Leo Marriott
The Title is First Canadian Army : Victory in Europe 1944-45

Condition New

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Product Description -
"It's rare for a book to capture your attention from the very first sentence, but kudos to the authors of First Canadian Army for doing just that... I, too, feel that Canada's contributions to victory in both world wars have unfortunately been downplayed or ignored over the decades by the country's allies." - Canada's History Magazine. A pictorial history of the decisive role played by Canada in the final year of World War II. After Dunkirk, as the tattered remnants of Britain's best troops returned home without their heavy weapons, Canadian troops moved in to defend northwest Europe, sending in virtually all of its disposable weapon resources and 368,000 soldiers. The majority of these were to be part of the First Canadian Army, which would play a key role leading to the unconditional surrender by Nazi Germany on May 9, 1945. This book is a pictorial history of the First Canadian Army in northwest Europe during the final year of the war. It concentrates not just on the events of 75 years ago but also what can be seen on the ground today. The illustrations, over 350 of them, include battle, landing and assault maps photographs of soldiers in action and resting, aerial photographs of key sites of action then and now battlefield survivors such as Sherman tanks memorials to individuals and units and, of course, the cemeteries of Canadian, Polish and British soldiers. In ten parts and 60 chapters featuring 350 illustrations and maps, the book covers: The Bridgehead The Battles Around Caen Clearing the Coast Clearing The Scheldt Winter on the Maas The Rhineland Advance to the Sea I Corps in The West Netherlands The German Surrender. Military history buffs will enjoy this book for its focus on a specific battalion and its actions at a decisive moment in the war. The archival photographs are important records and reminders of this watershed moment in World War II's European theater.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153813819

Unique Reference Number 2267554908