AUTHENTIC Gres Cacao + Bwa Anaconda + Bave Bèf

Haiti Imported - 2oz

This is very well known throughout Africa and the Caribbean Islands as one of the best male enhancement formulas for 200+ years.

Focus: Permanent Length & Girth increase

This is a legitimate product and is to be used with the corresponding penile stretching exercise in order to see best results. Directions will be included.

While everyone’s organ is different, on average, people have reported noticeable changes in as little as 1 week, but it can take up to 3-4 weeks so keep that in mind. I would assume that consistency / daily usage might factor into these findings but ALWAYS remember….Not much is needed when using and using more than necessary has no additional benefits.

Naturally, I’m an extremely impatient person so I figured to pass along some advice as well as a few helpful tips.

- A daily commitment of 10-20 minutes for 1 to 4 weeks that in turn would yield permanent results is a pretty good deal.

- Its ok to ask questions. I’m a guy and totally understand that for things of this nature, we want results ASAP and waiting is easier said than done. I’m here to help and am open to all inquiries.

- Take measurements before You begin using and use measuring tape to track Your progress for girth and length.

- Exercise right after showering if possible. If not, ALWAYS apply a warm rag on Your organ beforehand in order to open up Your pores.

- HOMEGROWN Confidence… As mentioned earlier, this product is imported from Haiti. I like all of my buyers to have confidence in knowing that I know the actual farmer who supplies me and I also have family down south who travel to buy in person every 2-3 months. This is the real deal. Please be careful of imposters. I’ve been through the trial and error stage well before finding a legitimate supply so I truly do look forward to offering this to those in need.

- ONHAND .. No waiting, No middle man. I typically ship the same day if purchased before noon.

Product will arrive in solid form. It can be melted in the microwave for 20-30 second increments until softened. Smaller pieces will melt right onto Your hand from body heat. Personally, sitting the jar in front of a heater for 30-45 seconds works effectively too.