These exquisite and rare figures, featuring movable arms and legs, originate from the Nyamwezi people of Tanzania. Traditionally, such figures, portraying both male and female characters, were cherished as wedding gifts and played a significant role in funeral rites, albeit as single figures.

Crafted with meticulous detail, the male and female doll figurines resemble puppets, adorned with glass bead eyes. It’s believed that the string or rod connecting the pair symbolizes an unbreakable bond, transcending both earthly and spiritual  realms.Despite its previous use, it remains in remarkably good condition.

The Nyamwezi people, known as either the ‘Men of the West’ or ‘Men of the Moon,’ constitute the largest ethnic agrarian group in north-central Tanzania. Their social structure revolves around villages, each governed by a chief overseeing material affairs, while spiritual matters are tended to by a sorcerer. Ancestral reverence and the authority of chiefs are integral to Nyamwezi society, reflected in their rich artistic tradition. Nyamwezi carvers are renowned for their elongated, dark wood figures, often utilized in water divination ceremonies. Since the 1950s, these slender figures have adorned Nyamwezi dance performances, enhancing the visual allure of their cultural expressions.

Dim 19 cm