Springlock Anti-Theft Picture Frame Mirror Hanging System


SpringLOCK® - The versatile way to hang pictures and mirrors safely and securely. Locks onto almost any screw in the wall.


SpringLOCK®, developed and made in the UK, has been proven in 1000's of hotels, public buildings and restaurants around the world. It works on any kind of wall material, including drywall.


SpringLOCK® fits over almost any screw, 6, 8, or 10 in a wall. Leave 3mm clear under the heads. The Locks are pushed home with thumb pressure and can only be removed with the special Release Tool.


A SpringLOCK® is one Bridge and one Lock. They are supplied as kits in bags for single frames and in bulk packs.



Method A - Side-By-Side - (includes: 2 springLOCKS (i.e. two bridges and two locks) and four screws.)

Two SpringLOCK Bridges are fitted to the frame. Two screws are fitted into the wall, in corresponding positions. Frame is offered up and the Bridges fitted over the screws in the wall. Locks are pushed home with thumb pressure.


Bag A, for the Side-By-Side method. Contains two Bridges, two Locks, four screws.



Method B - Hang Plate - (includes: 2 hang plates, one springLOCK and six screws.)


Screw Hang Plates along the top of the frame. These fit over screws in the wall. A Bridge is fitted on the bottom of the frame. A Marker Button is placed in the Bridge to mark the position of the lower, third, screw in the wall. Frame is locked by placing the Bridge over the third screw and pushing home the Lock.



Please Note:

- You may also need a Release Tool to release the lock and Marker Buttons which fit into the bridge to assist with marking wall screw positions.

- Wall screws are not included, most No 6, 8 or 10 screws will work.