Creative Timekeeping for the Contemporary Jazz Drummer

Condition: New - Unused - Unopened
Authorized Dealer: Musical Progressions
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Format: Softcover
Series: Percussion
Author: Rick Mattingly
Pages: 64
Combining a variety of jazz ride cymbal patterns with coordination and reading exercises, Creative Timekeeping develops true independence: the ability to play any rhythm on the ride cymbal while playing any rhythm on the snare and bass drums. It provides a variety of jazz ride cymbal patterns as well as coordination and reading exercises that can be played along with them. Five chapters: Ride Cymbal Patterns; Coordination Patterns and Reading; Combination Patterns and Reading; Applications; and Cymbal Reading.

Size: 12in x 9in

UPC: 73999262322

ISBN: 9780793519514

Inventory#: 006621764