Wisconsin is My Doorstep
by Robert E. Gard
A Dramatist’s Yarn Book of Wisconsin Lore
5.75 x 8.5 inches, 194 pages, 1948 hardcover published by Longmans, Green and Co.
Dust jacket and interior illustrations by Frank Utpatel, artist on many Arkham House books

10% of this item’s sale will be used to promote rationality, individual rights, and the moral basis of a free, non-coercive, racism-free and fascism-free society (and its resulting economic prosperity for the general populace) by helping to promote the philosophy of Ayn Rand.

Plastic dust jacket guard was placed around book by a previous owner. Minor damage to dust jacket is visible in scans. Name in ink had once been at top, inside front cover; it has been scratched / whited out. Other than that, the book has no markings. Interior pages are in excellent condition.

Robert E. Gard (1910-1992) was a writer who helped many beginning writers grow. One of his many achievements was founding the Wisconsin Regional Writers Association (WRWA) in 1948. (This organization dropped the “Regional” and today is simply WWA.)

Frank Utpatel (1905-1980) illustrated many books for Arkham House publisher August Derleth. This book has a nice color cover, and each inside chapter has a black & white drawing (see scans for examples; scans are not as sharp as I’d like, but I don’t want to risk damage to the book by pressing it down on the scanner).

(The above is a Public Service message)