Chinese Qigong - Daoyin Yangsheng's 8 Methods DVD


Combining traditional knowledge with modern medical theory, Dao Yin Yang Sheng Gong is a system of exercises characterised by gentle twisting motions and involving breath control, the stimulation of key acupressure points in the body and mental development.

Its soft, fluent and harmonious movements aim to improve energy circulation within the whole body, to loosen the joints, tone up and oxygenate the muscles and to relax the nervous system.

The system is an extremely comprehensive one. Some exercises are designed to "soften" the body and develop flexibility, others relate directly to specific organs, while others have a more general effect on the health. There are both standing and sitting forms, making the system accessible to people of all ages and physical conditions. For more advanced practitioners, Professor Zhang has created Tai Ji Quan hand and sword forms which combine traditional Tai Ji martial principles with acupoint stimulation.

Dao Yin Yang Sheng Gong therefore has three aspects which make it such a valuable contributor to health care.

First it is preventive. People in good health may practise in order to maintain and enhance their robustness.

Secondly, it is curative. People suffering from a particular condition (for example angina), may practise the appropriate exercises in order to help to alleviate that condition. N.B. Members of the English Dao Yin Yang Sheng Gong Association never claim that Dao Yin Yang Sheng Gong is a substitute for conventional medicine, and people interested in exploring the curative aspect of these exercises should only do so with the full co-operation of their doctor. Under no circumstances should anyone substitute these exercises for prescribed medication.

Thirdly, Dao Yin Yang Sheng Gong is recuperative. For example, someone who has suffered a heart attack, might practise the appropriate exercises with great benefit during their return to health. Once again, one should not introduce these exercises into a recuperation programme without the full support of one's doctor.

Several clinical tests made in China and examinations done by medical specialists and researchers from all over the world, have shown Dao Yin Yang Sheng Gong to be effective in improving the health, preventing and healing many acute and chronic diseases without showing any side effects.

Although full scale trials have not been done in Europe, there are exciting results being seen by teachers working with people dealing with a whole range of conditions including stress related problems, back pain, heart disease, asthma and even very serious conditions such as Parkinson's Disease.

Format: DVD
Language Speaking: Chinese
Subtitle: English
Length: 47 minutes






This DVD is a reissue of the same name VCD version released in 2004, as the same name VCD is no longer available. And there are no English subtitles. This DVD version has added English subtitles on top of the VCD version, so the picture quality is relatively poor, but it has some collectible value. This is to remind you to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.



VCD image quality, please consider carefully




2004 VCD product images, out of print




