An unusual size bed that is halfway between a single (3 foot) and a small double (4 foot) and is nominally 3 foot 6 inch wide.

The length of the bed has been professionally welded to extend to 6 foot 6 inch and uses a much stronger angle iron than the original.

Construction is all solid iron, not tubular iron like in later Victorian bed frames.  The sizing and the construction suggests to me that the age of the bed is late Georgian or Early Victorian.  However, please make your own judgement on the age of the bed.

The headboard and the footboard are the same design and height. Approx 47 inch to top of finial..  The floor to the top of the bed base is approx 15 inches.

I bought the bed in original condition and had it refurbished.  Angle iron extensions by a Newark metalwork firm and then painted by Newark Coach Painters.  The painted finish is overall good and ready to go, but it would benefit from a few touch-ups.  Bed base is pine boards.  Unfortunately, the original finials were beyond saving.  They were bud  or tulip shaped.  The bed would really benefit from tulip shape finials. I intended to have some turned, but it never happened.   Finials are not a matching set, and one is a poor fit.  They are what I managed to find rummaging in antique shops.

Mattress is a non-standard size.  The buyer is welcome to the mattress that I have used with this bed, but it does have some marks on it.  Buyer can take or leave the mattress as desired.

Only the bed frame and base and mattress are included in the sale.

Thanks for looking.

This is collection only, please!!!