Lucuma was known as the tree of life and was a symbol of fertility for the Incas. It has many amazing health properties.

This premium powder contains natural anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant substances which are also a rich source of potassium, iron, Vitamins B1, B2 and C, as well as fibre and calcium. With a low glycemic index it is traditionally regarded as great for muscle recovery after a workout and it may help slow the signs of aging and help with skin health and regeneration. 

Add a spoonful to your favourite yoghurt, dessert, smoothie, oatmeal, ice cream or shake for a delicious flavour boost. To sweeten a single-serving smoothie, use one or even two tablespoons of lucuma powder. Lucuma has a creamy citrus like flavour and smells lovely.

Lucuma powder is also a good healthy substitute for brown sugar, since it tastes somewhat similar. As a general rule of thumb, add around double the amount of lucuma powder to substitute for brown sugar. Lucuma powder doesn’t absorb water as well as sugar, so your batter or dough may end up slightly dry. You can always splash in more water or milk to get the desired moisture level. The slightly sweet taste of lucuma also pairs well with more bitter herbal teas or coffee, so just stir it in like you would regular sugar or honey.

Botanical Name: Pouteria Lucuma

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✔ For the mind & body

✔ 100% ORGANIC with NO fillers & no added flavours or colours!

✔ Fresh Stock - Expires 1/10/2024

Origin: Packed in Australia from a Certified Organic Imported Source

Important: Information on the traditional uses and properties of herbs is provided on this site is for educational use only, and is not intended as medical advice. You should always check with your health care practitioner before using new herbs, especially if you are pregnant, lactating, on medication or have a medical condition.