[PTC only]

Pokemon GO coins at a discounted price! Working as of 4/23/2024.

You'll have your coins in 12 hours or less.

100% safe, no risk to your account. Uses the official PoGo app.

Get them before they're no longer available.

Please use PTC only. If you don't have one, connect a throwaway one and supply that. You can unlink PTC after the order is complete.

There's no cool down for this! Just be sure not to log in until I confirm it's purchased.

(Use web browser if you are having issues with purchasing on the app)

Message me if you have any questions.

Note to eBay: This listing is in full compliance with eBay's Personal Information Policy. Clarification that the item being offered does not involve the sale or exchange of any personal contact information, social security numbers, or any other sensitive information.