Listing Template 2018
Product Description


per serving (12g)

  • TAURINE 5000mg
  • COCONUT WATER 2000mg
  • DANDILION 200mg
    Do not exceed four servings per day.

Hydramax can be consumed at any point of the day or night as a hydration product.
We recommend 500ml of water per serving however that is mostly down to taste - You may use more water if desired.
Optimally consume an additional serving around your training window.
Do not exceed 4 servings per day.
Hydra Max was inspired by the Greek warrior Hydramas Maximus, a true gladiator amongst thespians, slaying back pumps whilst quenching thirst with the water of 1000 rivers, he inspired generations to take their hydration seriously, knowing that it is indeed key to optimal athletic performance and, well, staying alive in general.

Strom Hydra Max is expertly formulated with key ingredients - namely a huge dose of Taurine, Cranberry extract, Coconut water, Vitamin C and Dandelion root - all of which have a multitude of benefits that we can't put on this label cos we'd get told off by Mum & Dad (aka trading standards) if we did... Sorry Mum & Dad!

Imagine we told you this though massive Bodybuilder - living that life of gains, selling your kids for gains, living day to day for the gains - that a world CAN exist! One where you can still be massively huge AND tie your shoe laces and wipe your own ass without cramping up and crying in front of your kids that, rightfully, no one has bought yet. It DOES exist and the key is right here, in this tub of delicious tasting powder.

HydraMax should be used every day for optimal results, one to two servings on non-training days and an additional serving as part of your pre or intra-workout routine on training days. HydraMax will become more efficacious with prolonged use.