Artificial flower bouquet
to choose from in color

Pink or white


Clayre & Eef

Summer asters


This beautiful and natural-looking bouquet is over 
Composed of 6 flower branches.

Use it to create romantic decorations that will always last.


Total length with Stem approx. 31cm
Bouquet diameter approx. 16cm 


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We have a large selection of decorations and home accessories!

Artificial flower bouquet to choose from in color Pink or white from Clayre & Eef Summer asters *** This beautiful and natural-looking bouquet is over  Composed of 6 flower branches. Use it to create romantic decorations that will always last. *** Dimensions: Total length with Stem approx. 31cm Bouquet diameter approx. 16cm  *** Take a look at our shop over. We have a large selection of decorations and home accessories!