About this Item

The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Kerrie Eyers
The Title is Navigating Teenage Depression : A Guide for Parents and Professionals

Condition New

Other Comments
Edition Number - 0001. Pages Count - 242. Binding type - Perfect.
Content Language - English
Category - PSYCHOLOGY / Clinical Psychology
PSYCHOLOGY / Mental Health
SELF-HE/ Mood Disorders / Depression

Product Description -
First symptoms of depression often occur during teenage years, and it can be a disturbing and confusing time for families as well as the teenager themselves. How can you tell whether it is just typical teenage ups and downs that will pass, or something more serious How can we reliably identify and support teenagers with depressionIn this book experienced clinician and researcher Gordon Parker explains how to systematically identify different mood disorders and contributing factors. He and co-author Kerrie Eyers explain when clinical treatment is required and outline treatment options. They also discuss the particular challenges faced by adolescents and approaches to effective management. Drawing on insightful personal accounts from teenagers and young adults about their experiences, and based on extensive clinical research, this is essential reading for every parent, carer or professional looking after a young person with depression.

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