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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Allan Ahlberg
The Title is Mr Biff the Boxer

Condition New

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Product Description -
A brand new, bigger, edition of an Ahlberg Happy Families classic. Mr Biff and Mr Bop are boxers and deadly rivals too. Mr Bop is fit and lean and Mr Biff . . . Well, Mr Biff likes a cream cake or two. Will he ever be able to toughen up in time for the annual charity match. Gulp!Janet and Allan Ahlberg's Happy Families series is full of wonderful and funny books, perfect for children learning to read. This new, bigger, edition means that even younger children can enjoy the stories. Look out for Mrs Wobble the Waitress, too!Allan Ahlberg, a former teacher, postman, plumber's mate and grave digger, is in the super-league of children's writers. He has published over 100 children's books and, with his late wife Janet, created such award winning picture books as EACH PEACH PEAR PLUM and THE JOLLY POSTMAN - both winners of the Kate Greenaway Medal. He has also written prize-winning poetry and fiction and lives in Bath. Other Happy Families books:Master Money the Millionaire Master Bun the Bakers' Boy Mrs Lather's Laundry Mr Creep the Crook Miss Jump the Jockey Master Track's Train Master Salt the Sailor's Son Mr and Mrs Hay the Horse Miss Brick the Builders' Baby Mrs Jolly's Joke Shop Mr Buzz the Beeman Miss Dose the Doctors' Daughter Mr Tick the Teacher Mrs Wobble the Waitress Mr Cosmo the Conjuror Mrs Plug the Plumber Miss Dirt the Dustman's Daughter Mrs Vole the Vet Ms Cliff the Climber Master Track's Train

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153584180

Unique Reference Number 2285751590