Really Right Stuff engineers spent considerable time to properly engineer the BH-55. From small details to functionality and versatility, the BH-55 is one of the best ballheads on the market today. Superb build, rock solid stability and lots of options make it a truly versatile ballhead. Although not cheap, you would spend at least $250-300 for a comparable ballhead. Choosing the correct head was a task, but I’m glad I decided to spend a bit more to get the best of the best. Considering how much I’ve been relying on the BH-55, it’s paid for itself long ago. It’ll survive many more years, you don’t have to think about upgrading, being unhappy or scared about what you use.

I bought an Arca-Swiss Z1 and thought it would be my last tripod head, but it came with its own share of problems and when I found out that my Z1 was faulty, (it suffered from a stem failure), I knew I could'nt trust it anymore and It was time to move on to something I could truly rely on,  the answer was the BH-55 and I am glad I did.

I have nothing bad to say about the BH-55. It's really that good!  If you're not satisfied with your current tripod head and shopping around for one that you won’t ever need to replace, look no further – the RRS BH-55 is worth every penny. I know it's an expensive tripod head, but decide for yourself if spending $400 for such a head is worth it or not. If you're shooting with a $500 camera and lower-end lenses, it might not make sense to invest so much money on a tripod head, but if you've got high-end gear and expensive lenses, consider investing in something that will serve you for years to come?

Condition: Cosmetics -  7 of 10, Working Condition - 9/10