R-Lipoic Acid (Stabilised Bio-Enhanced)
120 X 115mg Capsules

Introducing Bio-Enhanced® R-Lipoic Acid, designed by GeroNova Research and proudly made in the USA in a state-of-the-art facility. This superior formula is crafted using a unique stabilisation technique, ensuring maximum absorption rates that are 40 times higher than un-stabilised RLA. 

This powerful antioxidant offers a wide range of benefits, including protection against oxidative stress, improved blood vessel function, heavy metal chelation, and increased glutathione production. It has also been shown to support insulin sensitivity, potentially reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, and may provide neuroprotective effects for those with diabetic-associated conditions. 

In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, Bio-Enhanced® R-Lipoic Acid enhances mitochondrial function and helps to regulate immune response and inflammation. GeroNova Research is a leader in Lipoic Acid research, supporting academic and clinical endeavours to advance scientific understanding and provide the highest quality supplements available.

For the best in R-Lipoic Acid, trust GeroNova Research’s Bio-Enhanced® formula. It's the most effective supplement on the market, offering unparalleled benefits for your overall health and well-being.

Suggested Use

Take 1 or more capsules daily as tolerated, preferably on an empty stomach or as directed by your health care practitioner. Currently there is no established RDA. However, GeroNova scientists and medical advisors currently believe optimal dosing is 100-600 mg/day 

NOTE: While trace amounts of R-lipoic acid can be found in foods like dark leafy greens, broccoli, beef, and organ meats, supplementation may be necessary to reach significant intake levels. Scientific research showcasing the health advantages of lipoic acid has utilised doses ranging from 300mg to 1,800mg per day. Generally, lipoic acid has been deemed safe within recommended doses, with rare reported side effects in humans including skin allergies and gastrointestinal discomfort. 

Due to its potential to reduce blood glucose levels, individuals with diabetes or glucose intolerance should monitor their blood glucose levels while taking lipoic acid. It's advisable for them to consult their physician regarding adjustments to their anti-diabetic medication dosage to prevent hypoglycemia. As the long-term effects of lipoic acid have not been extensively studied in pregnant or nursing women, it's advisable for these individuals to refrain from using lipoic acid until more information becomes available.


Q: What's the difference between R-lipoic acid and alpha-lipoic acid?

A: R-lipoic acid and alpha-lipoic acid are 2 forms of lipoic acid, a naturally occurring compound that acts as an antioxidant in the body. The main difference between R-lipoic acid and alpha-lipoic acid is their chemical structure. R-lipoic acid is the natural, biologically active form of lipoic acid, while alpha-lipoic acid is a synthetic form that is made up of both R-lipoic acid and S-lipoic acid. The S-lipoic acid form is not as biologically active as the R-lipoic acid form, but it is still included in alpha-lipoic acid supplements.

 Studies have shown that R-lipoic acid may be more effective than alpha-lipoic acid at protecting cells against oxidative stress and supporting various aspects of health, including nerve health, heart health, and insulin sensitivity. This is because R-lipoic acid is the form that is used by the body to produce energy and support antioxidant activity. While both R-lipoic acid and alpha-lipoic acid can provide health benefits, some people prefer to take R-lipoic acid supplements to ensure they are getting the biologically active form of this powerful antioxidant.