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33,8g! Mit Flowlines und frischer Kruste, sekundärkruste…. 1A Qualität!

Inklusive Zertifikat + Ryker Box !

Diese Stücke erwarb ich während meinem letzten Aufenthalt auf Kuba von Einheimischen.

Die Stücke wurden innerhalb der ersten zwei Tage nach dem Fall gesammelt und seitdem verwahrt. Das Gebiet ist jetzt leer.

Alles, was heute noch gefunden wird, lag zu lange in der Erde und ist qualitativ schlecht.

Sichern Sie sich einen seltenen Meteoriten, der bald nicht mehr erhältlich sein wird!

Jahr des Falls: 2019

Land: Kuba

Masse: ~ 50 kg

Klassifizierung/ Geschichte:

22°37.17'N, 83°44.57'W

Pinar del Rio, Kuba

Herbst: 2019 Feb 01

Klassifizierung: Gewöhnlicher Chondrit (L6)

Geschichte: Am 1. Februar 2019 um 13:17 Uhr Ortszeit (18:17:10 UTC) überflog ein heller Bolide, begleitet von lautem Überschallknall, die Provinz Pinar Del Rio, Kuba. Auch eine lange Rauchfahne wurde beobachtet. Die Anwohner dachten, ein Flugzeug sei abgestürzt, da sie Explosionen und dann ein 15 bis 20 Sekunden langes Grollen am Boden hörten. Ein Meteoritenschauer fiel auf das Vinales-Tal, das seit 1978 ein nationales Monument und ein UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe ist. Das Gebiet ist von Wald und Feldern bedeckt. Die ersten und einige der größten Steine wurden in der Nähe des Denkmals "Mural of Prehistory" des Künstlers Leovigildo Gonzalez Morillo gesammelt. Andere wurden in und um Viñales und im gesamten Viñales-Tal entdeckt. Einige der Meteoriten durchschlugen den Boden, einer durchbrach eine Asphaltstraße, und viele wurden von Dächern geborgen.

Physikalische Merkmale: Hunderte von Einzelproben wurden von den Anwohnern gesammelt. Die Steine sind von einer schwarzen Schmelzkruste mit rötlichen Schlieren aus Laterit-Ton bedeckt. Die Substanz des Meteoriten von hellgrauer Farbe ist in kleinen Bereichen der zerbrochenen Kruste zu erkennen.


33,8g eith Flowlines, sekundary Crust and very fresh Crust!

Basic informationName: Viñales

This is an OFFICIAL meteorite name.

Abbreviation: There is no official abbreviation for this meteorite.

Observed fall: Yes, confirmed fall

Year fell: 2019

Country: Cuba

Mass:help 50 kg



ales 22°37.17’N, 83°44.57’W

Pinar del Rio, Cuba

Fall: 2019 Feb 01

Classification: Ordinary chondrite (L6)

History: A bright bolide accompanied by loud sonic booms flew across the province of Pinar Del Rio, Cuba, at 1:17 pm local time (18:17:10 UTC) on 1 February 2019. A long smoke trail was also observed. The residents thought a plane had crashed, as they heard explosions and then ground rumbling lasting 15 to 20 s. A meteorite shower fell on Vinales Valley, a national monument since 1978 and a UNESCO world heritage site. The area is covered by a forest and fields. The first and some of the largest stones were collected near the monument "Mural of Prehistory" by artist Leovigildo Gonzalez Morillo. Others were discovered in and around Viñales and throughout the Viñales Valley. Some of the meteorite individuals penetrated the ground, one of them broke through an asphalt road, and many were recovered from rooftops.

Physical characteristics: Hundreds of individual samples were collected by the local residents. The stones are covered by black fusion crust with reddish smears of a laterite clay. The substance of the meteorite of light gray color can be seen in small areas of the broken crust. The masses of stones are in a range 2 to 1100 g. In total, about 50-100 kg of the meteorite were collected.

Petrography: The interior is light-colored; silicates are transected by dark, pseudotachylite-like shock veins. The rock is highly recrystallized; chondrule margins are difficult to discern. Recognizable chondrule types include POP, PO and BO, ranging up to ~1 mm in diameter. The meteorite samples contain the several vol% of black inclusions of melt rock. Metal grains range in size up to about 700 µm. The rock exhibits moderate silicate darkening. Chromite grains are moderately to extensively fractured. Some troilite grains and some kamacite grains are polycrystalline. A few kamacite grains contain small rounded grains of troilite within them. Metallic Cu was not observed. There are several small chromite-plagioclase assemblages and some olivine grains contain small chromite veinlets. The shock veins range to more than 1 cm in length and are typically 20 µm to 150 µm wide. The veins contain major silicate and small blebs of metallic Fe-Ni, and to a lesser extent, troilite; these opaque blebs are typically 1-3 µm in diameter. Also present in the veins are cellular metal-troilite veinlets 10-30 µm in length. Elongated aggregates of chromite occur alongside portions of some shock veins. Slabs of Viñales show intersecting dark shock veins, anastomosing veins, and a few quasi-circular melt concentrations where veins intersect. Coarse metal grains are heterogeneously distributed in some samples – some regions of these samples have abundant coarse metal; other regions have none. Near the dark fusion crust, numerous thin veinlets of troilite surround and penetrate fractures within silicate grains. Magnetic susceptibility (J. Gattacceca, CEREGE): log χ (× 10-9 m3/kg) = 4.93 measured on a 18 g sample.

Geochemistry: Mineral compositions and geochemistry: (Borisovsky S. E., IGEM; A. Rubin, UCLA and L. Garvie, ASU) Olivine, Fa24.7±0.3 (N=15, IGEM), Fa24.6±0.4 (n=23, UCLA); low-Ca pyroxene, Fs21.0±0.4Wo1.5±0.3 (N=21, UCLA), Fs20.2±0.3Wo1.6±0.2 (N=15, IGEM); other minerals characterized by UCLA and ASU include diopside (Fs8.1±0.1Wo44.8±0.6; n=5), plagioclase (which has an average size of ~80 µm; Ab90.0±0.5Or1.8±1.2; n=14), chromite, kamacite (6.6±0.6 wt.% Ni; 0.89±0.12 wt.% Co), troilite (containing 0.7-0.42 wt.% Ni), taenite, and accessory tetrataenite, merrillite and chlorapatite. Oxygen isotopes (K. Ziegler, UNM): δ18O=4.38, 4.55, 4.69; δ17O=3.39, 3.50, 3.57; Δ17O=1.08, 1.09, 1.09 (all ‰).

Classification: (Dr. C. Efrén Jaimez Salgado; IGA, Havana, Cuba; C. A. Lorenz, Vernad.) Ordinary chondrite (L6), Weathering grade is W0, Shock stage is S3 (Vernad) or S4 (UCLA).

Specimens: The individual sample of 148 g and one transparent-polished section are deposited in Vernad; 22 g, UCLA; 18 g, CEREGE; 8 individual samples of total mass 2.31 kg are on deposit in Institute of Geophysics and Astronomy (IGA), Havana, Cuba. Large specimen masses are also held by John Higgins, MFarmer, and DPitt.

Data from:


Table 0

Line 0:

State/Prov/County:Pinar del Rio

Origin or pseudonym:Vinales Valley

Date:2019 Feb 01



Mass (g):50000



Shock stage:S3

Weathering grade:W0

Fayalite (mol%):24.7±0.3 (N=15)

Ferrosilite (mol%):20.2±0.3 (N=15)

Wollastonite (mol%):1.6±0.2 (N=15)

Magnetic suscept.:4.93

Classifier:Dr. C. Efrén Jaimez Salgado, IGA; C. A. Lorenz, Vernad; A. Rubin, UCLA; L. Garvie, ASU

Type spec mass (g):148

Type spec location:Vernad

Main mass:Institute of Geophysics and Astronomy, Havana, Cuba

Comments:Submitted by Lorenz C. A., Vernad

Please pay attention: for outside Europe: Reduced

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