About this Item

The item is a book Hardback
The Author Name is Susie Linder-Pelz
The Title is NCoaching : An Evidence-Based Approach for Coaches, Leaders and Individuals

Condition New

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Pages Count - 250. Binding type - Hardcover.
Content Language - English
Category - BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Training
SELF-HE/ Personal Growth / General

Product Description -
NNeuro-Linguistic Programming is believed by many to be a powerful set of tools for facilitating change and enhancing performance. Yet, despite the success stories and proliferation of courses, there is still much skepticism about the validity and effectiveness of NLP. In NCoaching Susie Linder-Pelz brings, for the first time, an evidence-based perspective to this coaching methodology. She explains how and where Ncoaching is used, examines its links to established principles and practices, and questions aspects of Nwhere the empirical evidence is missing. She reviews recent developments in NLP-based coaching practice and proposes a specific research agenda that will move Ncoaching towards an evidence-based approach. NCoaching provides numerous case studies and real-life examples which show how Nassists personal, professional, team, leadership and organizational development. The book includes contributions from leaders in the field: Andrew Bryant, Michelle Duval, Joseph O'Connor, Paul Tosey and Lisa Wake.

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