About this Item

The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Deepak Sarda
The Title is Python for the Busy Java Developer : The Language, Syntax, and Ecosystem

Condition New

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Pages Count - 88. Binding type - Perfect.
Content Language - English
Category - COMPUTERS / Languages / Python
COMPUTERS / Languages / Java

Product Description -
Are you a seasoned Java developer who wishes to learn Python Perhaps you've just joined a project where a chunk of system integration code is written in Python. Or maybe you need to implement a report generation module in the next sprint and your colleague mentioned that Python would be the perfect tool for the job. In any case, if you are in a situation where you have to pick up the Python programming language overnight, this book is just for you! Hit the ground running and gain a fast-paced overview of what the Python language is all about, the syntax that it uses and the ecosystem of libraries and tools that surround the language. This concise book doesn't spend time on details from an introductory programming course or document every single Python feature. Instead, Python for the Busy Java Developer is designed for experienced Java developers to obtain sufficient familiarity with the language and dive into coding, quickly. What You'll LearnDiscover the fundamentals of the core Python language and how they compare to JavaUnderstand Python syntax and the differences between Python 2.x and 3.xExplore the Python ecosystem, its standard libraries, and how to implement themWho This Book Is ForWorking programmers who are comfortable with Java or another object-oriented programming language such as C

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