Invest in domain names for your new business that are perfect for the 2020s!

This auction is for two four letter llll domain names:

So what is a domain name? It is the name, like or for example, that is given to a website. Since it is typed into a browser, it is best to have a domain name that is short and easy to remember so people will revisit your website in the future. There’s a potential for profit in this investment, not just from income generated from your business idea, but also selling your domain name in the future for a higher price.

These two versatile domain names go along with the phrase "fill_in_the_blank sure sucks", such as "product A sure sucks", "business B dont sucks", etc. These domain names could be used with terms that are trending like bitcoin, AI, Taylor Swift, etc. A possibility is to use subdomains to create different pages, using phrases like:,, etc. Why buy a separate domain name for each of your business ideas when you only need to buy two to cover a vast number of topics!

Not only are and short, one word, 4 letter domain names; but they are real words that are quick to type into a browser and easy to remember. 

These domain names are very general, so use your imagination to come up with many ideas for your new website and business opportunities. You'll have the chance to cover multitudes of topics and ideas. Missing out on an opportunity like this sure sucks!

One way you can use these domain names are for web sites showing or finding blogs, comments, complaints, and reviews from yourself or others. You could also host the website as a location for online communities to discuss various issues and causes.

Do you also want to spread some positivity in these trying times? Use for a complementary website (and investment in a second income stream for your company) that shows the good things in life! Create websites like Talk about the latest events like the eclipse! You could start an affiliate web site selling other businesses' products and describing their benefits, or make your own e-commerce/online store.

Note that the asking price for a pair of similar domain names (really and doesnt) through the domain registrar is over 1 million dollars, so and could be a great investment opportunity.

Domain names can provide investors with diversification in their investment portfolio. Domain names are considered a unique asset class, and adding them to a portfolio can help spread risk and potentially provide a hedge against volatility in other markets, which is very important in these uncertain times.

Note that this auction is only for the domain names and not a website, content, nor anything else for starting a business.