Charles Carter's original Spirit Cabinet sat in my home for 23 years, daring me to roll it back on stage and summon the spirits, just as Carter the Great had done thousands of times throughout his long and storied career. The mere thought of presenting an old-style Spirit Cabinet for a 21"-century audience scared the daylights out of me.

Our method for spiriting Tina into and out of the cabinet sounds crazy, but by viewing on YouTube our performance at The Magic Castle, you can see for yourself just how deceptive it ultimately was. Just aim the camera of your phone at the QR code above and you'll see it.

The original cabinet top is unbelievably heavy so I built a simple, lightweight replacement that could easily be carried by one man. After the three assistants had installed the ends and back wall into the base, they returned to the wing where Tina would climb onto Ronnie's back, wrap her legs around his waist and hold on to his shoulders with her hands, all the while keeping her head below the level of his head. Ronnie then picked up the top, turned it sideways, and with the inside (bottom) surface facing the audience, he carried it onto the stage. The audience could clearly see his head protruding above the top edge and his legs below the bottom edge, but there was no trace of Tina showing.

Ronnie walked straight to........

