The Family Shakspeare edited by Thomas Bowdler and his sister Henrietta (“Harriet”) has material considered objectionable or unsuitable for young or female audiences removed. The first edition was published in 1807 and contained 20 plays whereas this fifth edition contains all 36 plays. Editions from 1847 were changed to Shakespeare as opposed to the earlier use of Shakspeare reflecting the then standard recognised spelling of the Bard’s name.
This beautiful set, complete in 8 uniformly bound volumes, is of half crushed morocco with marbled boards, pages edges and end papers. The spines are arranged in 6 compartments by 5 raised bands and are profusely decorated in gilt. The set is bound by Birdsall of Northampton which was established in 1792 when William Birdsall (c.1750-1826) bought the bookselling and bookbinding business of John Lacy and Son in Northampton. The bookbinding operation became the firm’s core business under Anthony Birdsall the elder (1819-1893) and for some 100 years from the mid-nineteenth century the firm became one of the major bookbinders in Great Britain and traded until 1961.Each volume is some 22.2 cm high, 14.7 cm deep and the overall shelf coverage is about 23 cm. The set has an unpackaged weight of approximately 4.6 kgs.