Bound volume of Black Stars magazine with all twelve issues from November 1979 to October 1980. Covers are bound in.

Photos and articles about all the famous black people of the time: Teddy Pendergrass, Richard Pryor. Dionne Warwick, Donna Summer, The Jacksons, Kool and the Gang, Melba Moore, Sly Stone, Natalie Cole, Curtis Mayfield, Sammy Davis Jr., Star Trek's Nichelle Nichols who played Uhura, Earth Wind and Fire, Maya Angelou, Della Reese, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Prince, Isaac Hayes, Redd Foxx, Telma Hopkins, Chaka Khan, Arthur Ashe, Billy Dee Williams talks about his role in Star Wars sequel The Empire Strikes Back as Lando Calrissian, Sugar Ray Leonard, and many others.

Good condition but a few pages have a small closed tear at the fore edge margin. Former library book bound in library cloth and library stamps.
