HP E3631A

DC Power Supply, ±25 V, 1 A; 6 V/5 A 80 W, Triple Output, Programmable

Serial No: KR90917279

Sold with Standard Calibration. Unit has a retaining ring stuck to its cover, writing carved on top of cover, and glue damage on bottom of the cover. Please see pictures.

Manufacturer Description:

The 33120A function generator has a proven legacy, 15 MHz bandwidth, arbitrary waveforms & modulation capability. DDS technology provides precise adjustment and frequency stability.


  • 15 MHz sine & square waveforms
  • Ramp, triangle, noise & DC waveforms
  • 12-bit, 40 MSa/s, 16,000 points arbitrary waveforms
  • AM (int/ext), FM (int), FSK (internal/external), burst (int/extl)
  • Linear & logarithmic sweeps and burst operation
  • IntuiLink software plus GPIB & RS-232 interfaces included
  • Option 001 provides improved stability & a multiple-unit link

All orders shipped in Instapak Foam-Fitted packaging material.

TestEquity, LLC
1935 Plaza Real Oceanside, CA 92056