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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Chris Gatcum
The Title is Mastering Film Photography

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Product Description -
Whether you prefer the term retro, vintage or "old skool" there's an undeniable truth to the familiar quote: "What's old is new again." This is increasingly obvious among next-generation photographers who are already reacting to the established digital norm and actively seeking out something more soulful and personal than the pixel-pushing, quick-fix of the digital age. And that something is film. Yet this is a generation that has never experienced film photography. They have not felt the unique combination of fear and excitement at taking a once-in-a-lifetime shot and not knowing if it's perfect nor have they waited with bated breath to see if their labours are good, bad or indifferent. And they certainly won't have experienced the "happy accidents" associated with badly loaded film, light leaks, collapsed shutters or any of the other "defects" that can transform an average shot into a one-of-a-kind photograph. 'Mastering Film Photography' is a fast-track guide to shooting emulsion in the digital age. After a crash course in how film works and how to choose the ideal camera to use it with, readers will learn how to overcome the challenges of getting the exposure right when there's no instant feedback how to use flash systems in the pre-TTL era and the importance of filters before Instagram as well as exploring the creative world of lensless photography. With profiles of leading film practitioners along the way, the book is rounded off with a guide to the traditional, digital and hybrid processing options that will enable you to make the most of your negatives and slides.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 156728920

Unique Reference Number 2299907255