I doubt you could find a better condition map than this one. Has been folded and probably unopened for over 100 years. Map is in just near mint condition, bright, crisp and clean. Other than obvious creases, a few tiny holes here and there along creases and a 2" tare (all there just folded over) on upper left margin (see picture). Map is on paper and nice!  No readily apparent publication but probably 1914.

This is really a museum piece. When unfolding it must be done very carefully, slowly and methodically to avoid damaging / taring the map. For an advanced collector to either be properly displayed or to be properly stored way.  

Add $12.95 P&H in the lower 48 states. Thank you. 

         Measures about 3' x 4' 
  • Colored by country. Boundaries outlined in red.
  • Portraits along lower margin: King George V, England; Emperor William II, Germany; President Poincaire, France; Czar Nicholas II, Russia; Emperor Franz Joseph, Austria; King Albert, Belgium; Queen Wilhelmina, Holland; King Peter, Servia; King Victor Emmanuel, Italy; Mikado Yoshihito, Japan.
  • Statistics along left margin: European population, areas, capitals, railroads, telegraph and telephones; Navies of principal European countries; Armies of principal European countries; Cavalry of principal European countries; Artillery of principal European countries.
  • The A.R. Ohman Map Co., H. Buchardt Petersen, Pres.