These Customized Dragon and DID Figures represent a soldier and a civilian fighter in the German Volkssturm "People's Storm" in 1945 during World War Two. The Volkssturm was established by Nazi Germany during the last months of World War Two. All males from 16-65 were conscripted. These males were not in any other form of military service at this time. The first soldiers were given uniforms, weapons and equipment but later they were usually in civilian clothes and might be given a Panzerfaust to attack Soviet Tanks.

Most were issued an armband that read "Deutscher Volkssturm Wehrmacht" but in the last days of the Battle of Berlin this armband was not issued to some of these civilian fighters.

This Dragon Volkssturm Figure is wearing a German Army M44 Tunic with a Volkssturm armband for his left sleeve, green trousers, gray shirt, brown half boots and gaiters. He is wearing a German M35 Stahlhelm Helmet.

He comes equipped with a German Army Belt, six ammo pouches on a load bearing rig, bread bag, canteen, and bayonet sheath.

He is armed with a German Volksstrumgewehr 1-5 / VG 1-5. This people's assault rifle has a 30 round StG 44 Box Magazine.

This DID Volkssturm Figure is wearing a brown overcoat, brown dirty trousers, brown laced boots and gaiters, black fingerless gloves, plaid scarf and a black cap. He wears a worn "Deutscher Volkssturm Wehrmacht" armband on his left coat sleeve.

(NOTE: The coat and scarf is permanently glued into place. The neck and ankles are taped to give the figure more support.)

He is armed with a Panzerfaust 30 Klein Anti-Tank Weapon. Panzerfaust means tank fist or armor fist.