This Atlanta Texas brick is from the historical 1925 apartment building 600 (602-604) Elsbeth Street in Dallas, Texas. Also known as "The Gateway to Bishop Arts", where Lee Harvey Oswald lived with his wife Marina and baby June in Unit #2, when he purchased the gun that killed Officer Tippit, after the tragic assassination of President Kennedy.  There is a picture of 600 (602-604) Elsbeth in the Warren Commission drawn by the landlord of 600 Elsbeth, Mr. Tobias, when the Oswald's lived there. 

When the property owner, me-Jane Bryant bought 600 Elsbeth in 2007, she had no idea it was a historical building.  It was the city and local developers that began harrasing her to renovate the property without any zoning or tear it down.  Thanks to Brett Shipp/ABC/WFAA at the time, Richard Ray/Fox News, Roy Appleton/DMN, Stoney Jackson and Andrea Lucia at CBS the buildings history as a former home of Lee Harvey Oswald where he lived with his family.  Later as the building came from the forced and unnecessary, brutal, greedy, demolition by the City of Dallas.  People from all over the world came to collect memento's from the building and appreciate it before it came down in 2013.  All Dallas television, radio, internet, newspaper outlets wrote mostly poignant stories of the buildings history in a cry to save it.  Articles were published in D Magazine, Oak Cliff People, Dallas Observer,  the Advocate, Austin and Houston Papers.  The San Fransisco Chronicle, La Times, Boston Globe, The Moscow Times, The Edinborough Times. The London Times, in Australia, Spain, Italy, Portugal and many other counties.  Many of the international visitors and US based visitors sought some kind of relic from 600 (602-604) Elsbeth.  So, we tried to save as much as possible.  As recently as October 9, 2023, a story was featured about the property on Candy's Dirt by writer April Towery.

The Atlanta Texas bricks are also antiques and very unique because of the specks of iron ore which are rare and naturally in the clay.  The factory was located in Atlanta Texas but burned down in the 1930's.

A copy of the 602-604 Elsbeth building picture in the Warren Commission and a letter of authentication signed by me-Jane Bryant, the property owner, will be included with your brick.

Buyers may purchase up to 2 bricks at a time, shipping/taxes are included in the price of the brick.  A few more items from the building will be posted, very rare door knobs, 3 large tile blocks from the LHO Unit#2 bathroom and some fragile original wallpaper from Unit #2.  Thanks for saving a piece of history!