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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Kay Barnham
The Title is Jump into Jobs: Working in Space

Condition New

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Product Description -
A fun and magical tour of the world of working with animals, with Billie and their very silly pet cat, Mia!Does your child love space Do they think that they might want to work with animals one day when they are grown up Help your child to find out about all sorts of space-related jobs that people do. Billie has a very special dressing up box. When they choose an outfit from the box, they are whisked away to meet all sorts of people doing all kinds of amazing job. In Working in Space, Billie and Mia meet an astronomer, rocket scientist, an astronaut, a flight controller, a robotics engineer, a cosmologist and many more. Together, they find out lots of interesting things about these jobs these people do and how they work with space. And be sure to take a close look to see what naughty and silly things Mia gets up to in the funny illustrations.Jump into Jobs is no ordinary careers series. It's designed to help young children to think not only about the job that they might want to do in the future, but to be inspired by the world of work that is happening all around them. Each book concludes with a spread to encourage children to research the topic further through fun activities. The series is perfect for children aged 5 and up who are interested in what adults do all day and as part of a well rounded PSHE and Science curriculum. Title in the series:Working with AnimalsWorking in SpaceWorking UnderwaterWorking with Weather

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153754901

Unique Reference Number 2308787029